Lecture videos uploaded – Spring 2024 Physics 4A and 4C, and Fall 2023 Physics 4B

Edited lecture videos for the most recently completed classes (Physics 4A and 4C) have been uploaded to our YouTube channel, in the usual playlists: Physics 4A playlist and Physics 4C playlist. Also, the backlog of Physics 4B videos from Fall 2023 semester has been processed (and in Physics 4B playlist).

During the last semester, it was feasible to process these virtual class session videos during the semester (I kinda had to in Spring 2024, as I had two sections of Physics 4A and I couldn’t hold a separate set of virtual class sessions for the later section of Physics 4A), so I think I’ll try doing that this semester again. It’ll help lighten the prep work between semesters.

Finally, I recorded a lecture I’ve been meaning to for a while: Physics 4B – Intro to Gauss’s Law and Electric Flux. It replaces the one set of in-person lectures that I’ve never been all that happy with. I have even tried re-editing it before (Physics 4B – Introduction to Gauss’s Law, ver 2), but at some point, the only way to fix it properly was to re-record it from scratch. It took a long time writing out the full script (I usually just wing it live) and then trying to actually follow that script for the recording (but, you know, not actually learn the lines, because I’m not an actor), but, well, I think it’s definitely better than the other lecture. I’ll have to see what the reception is like.

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